#lastseen Image Research Plattform
Making incredible research accessible for the rest of us.
KKL Luzern Platform
Transforming the digital business and customer experience to benchmark. One release at a time.
Creating the digital system, processes and web platform to go to bring the digital experience up to speed with the reality.
A scalable web platform for the mobility super app. Unleashing brand value and growth.
Scaling a brand experience globally. Increasing efficiency five years and counting.
GWH Web-Platform
A future where housing is human centered and friendly.
Driving international growth through digital channels. From product to employees.
GWH Impact Report
#lastseen investigation game
Gaming but about history. Remembrance but activating. Our take on technology & design as tools for education.
B Corp Choose Better
Taking consumers on an immersive tour of how they can choose better.
KKL Luzern Venue Tour
Jean Nouvel's masterpiece. Ready to explore and book interactively.
In collaboration with the DFJW, Cartorik lets young people explore the varied Franco-German relationship through the last 150 years in an interactive experience.
Lohhof XR Memorial
Designing an identity as modular and dynamic as the Metta space
Living Stories Lab
Branding what's next in storytelling for the EU
Breffka & Hehnke
Reinventing a 100 year old heritage insurance provider for the next century
The Journey of Doing
Creating an AI driven Brand Design System to empower the world's B Corps.
AI and Humans on the same team. From Startup to Grown Up.
#ENC Education Identity
Reimagining remembrance for the next generation.
A vision to make the automotive aftermarket fairer for everyone.
Alete bewusst
Transforming a heritage brand from nostalgic to natural. At first sight.
Making hoteliers passion pay off. Through individuality and ingenuity.
RoomPriceGenie Product
Brand and Product Design in genius harmony.
auteon Portal
Taking users on a journey from legacy to liberated. Injecting brand into UX.
Creating a branded user experience to drive trust, conversions and referrals.