An interactive gamified experience rethinking how to learn about the French-/German friendship.

Impact and KPIs of the Cartorik experience
The experience has quickly and succcessfully grown in content depth and target group focus.
Points of interest
Cartorik includes more than 60 POIs to interact and learn from.
Time periods
The map and locations refer to 2 centuries and 6 different time periods.
Countries involved
Discover history and content around the worlds.
Target group
Created for mobile first audience
A vibrant and interactive user experience
Weve put a lot of effort into the navigation and experience that Cartorik provides by working on a smooth and optimized navigation on the map. Complemented by a variety of UI animations to create the best possible user experience.

Finding the future of education: we developed a modular and flexible system of micro gamifications throughout the experience. This lets Editors precisely control and shape the story of each location, from sobering and serious to beautiful and fun.

Interactive and personalized routes